Silvester Krčméry

Mgr. Silvester Krčméry, PhD. started his professional career at work for Asset Management in
investment reconciliation field. His alma mater is along with the Comenius University in Bratislava
also Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Universitat de València, Harvard University or Universidad de
Málaga, where he performed research in macroeconomics, decision theory and behavioural
economics. He published several specialist publications. In his research he currently focuses on
Industry 4.0 and strategic analysis in innovative and dynamically developing environment, especially
in healthcare. At the Comenius University he is appointed as Coordinator of the Human Resources
Strategy for Researchers. He is also a member of several national and international research,
scientific capacity and awareness-raising projects for different target groups.
Currently he works as a project manager for CIVITTA consultancy company, which focuses on
supporting start-ups and their growth, helping research institutions to commercialize research, stable
companies to bring world-class innovations and public institutions to prepare effective innovation
policies with positive influence on innovations´ ecosystem. He is manager of Slovak EIT Health Hub
that supports innovations in healthcare and strives to reach integration with the biggest European
healthcare innovation community. As a coach in Challenger accelerator he is dedicated to start-ups
