Martin Banský

Ing. Martin Banský worked on various positions in commercial banks (Tatra Banka, VÚB, OTP), investment banks (Wood and Company, Patria Finance) and private companies. As an Associate Director and a member of the Management Board he was responsible for general management of Mergers and Acquisitions projects. Examples of most significant transaction he participated in are subsidiary of Slovak Telekom a.s. – Rádiokomunikácie spin-off plant, privatisation of Bratislava and Košice airports, Heating Plants privatisation, Management by Objectives of Slovenské magenzitové závody Jelšava and number of smaller transactions. He graduated from Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica, majoring in finance, banking and investing.

Martin Banský has 15+ years’ experience in the field of transaction advisory, M&A, and investment banking (e.g. WOOD & Co., Patria finance) as well as in the banking sector (Tatra banka, VUB bank). High on the list of his managerial accomplishments is the sale of a part of Slovak Telekom; he has also led a number of M&A transactions within the mining, pharmaceutical and aviation industries.

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What to avoid in looking for external funding of start-ups
19. October 2022, 10:45 - 12:00, COOPERATION