Klára Báliková

Ing. Klára Báliková, PhD. graduated at Technical University in Zvolen and completed her PhD. studies at Faculty of Forestry. In scientific research work she focuses on forest economic services and their active support as well as analysis of current state of scientific knowledge transfer to the practice at Technical University in Zvolen.

Since 2020 she is working as a specialist at Technology Transfer Unit of Technical University in Zvolen. She was employed as a support worker for local technology transfer centre in the framework of NITT SK II (National Infrastructure for Technology Transfer in Slovakia) project launched by Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information.

She actively participates in several national and international scientific research projects of Technical University in Zvolen. She is a member of the international organization LES (Licensing Executives Society Czech Republic & Slovakia) which is a part of LESI (Licensing Executives Society International).
