Katarína Ikrényiová

PhDr. Katarína Ikrényiová completed university studies of human resources management, marketing, management and economic in 1991. She obtained international certificate of advisory of small and middle-sized enterprises in 1994. At the end of 2003 she passed rigorous examination. She is more than 27 years involved in the advisory services for organisation of system of work, human resources management for manufacturing companies as well as public sector, healthcare, aviation industry, education and commercial companies. Before starting business activities, she worked on management positions for regional state administration, foreign company, public institution and central state administration.

She is a founder of advisory and educational company that participated in several international projects of education. One of these projects was awarded on DG Education level. Projects were mainly focused on designing pilot professional education system for employees of plastic engineering companies. This company became co-founder of Slovak Plastic Cluster (SPK) in 2009. She acted there as guarantee of non-formal education, international projects preparation and projects based on the Slovak Republic state aid. Since 2016 she is appointed as SPK Executive Director.
