Doc. Ing. Jakub Berčík, PhD, work as a docent at Slovak University of Agriculture (SPU) Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) Institute of Marketing, Trade and Social Studies. He is Laboratory of Consumer Studies FEM SPU manager and Laboratory gestor of Neuroeconomics and Consumer Decision-Making affiliated to research centre AgroBiotech SPU. At the same time, he is CEO of innovative university’ spin-out SAMO Europe that develops own technologies and equipment for complex consumer behaviour investigation. He worked also as an advisor of National Agricultural and Food Centre. Doc.Berčík is active in Association of Agricultural Economists in Slovakia, act as national president of Junior Chamber International, member of Neuromarketing Science & Business Association (NMSBA) and Slovak Neuromarketing Society. As a co-author he worked on book Neuromarketing in foodretailing which was published in foreign publishing house Wageningen Academic Publishers and awarded by prestigious prize Golden Stickle 2017. He is also patent and four utility models in retail and services area co-inventor.
Jakub Berčík