Martina Vavreková

Mgr. Martina Vavreková graduated from the Faculty of Business and the Faculty of Management at the University of Economics in Vienna. After graduating, she worked in a family business, where she gained practical business experience from founding a company, growth, funding, due diligence, sales, up to the liquidation of a company.

Over the period from November 2017 to August 2020 she led InQb the incubator of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (SUT). Her major activities in this position were mentoring start-ups: matching contacts, helping integration with the start-up community, finding a suitable partner for setting up a company.

While in InQb, she co-founded the start-up town project TOUCH4STU (from 2019). The aim of this project is, in collaboration with TOUCH4IT company, to build a container town in the Mlynská dolina university campus. This is intended as an inspirational venue where students, university teachers, scientists and volunteers from commercial companies will work on joint projects, which can potentially lead to establishing companies with a direct link to the university. As part of the SUT management and project partners team, she visited Aalto University in Helsinki – one of the best universities in the world – to seek inspiration.

In 2020, she was also involved in establishing IMPULZ CORONA STU – a platform for SUT’s virtual collaboration with Comenius University, the Slovak Academy of Sciences and other institutions operating in this ecosystem who want to contribute to solving the COVID-19 pandemic.

She is also engaged in the “Healthy Child” project, seeking to reduce the illness of children in kindergartens by means of the early filter procedure, disinfection, hygiene and prevention by physical exercise with students from the Faculty of Physical Education of Comenius University in Bratislava. Thanks to these measures, over the course of one year the sickness rate in the Kindergarten in Dúbravka on Bazovského street in Bratislava was reduced by half and one diabetic patient among children was identified. The specialist guarantor of this project is Mr Kužela, Director of the Children’s Faculty Hospital and Outpatient Clinic in Kramáre, Regional Health Office in Bratislava and, in the final phase also the City of Bratislava.