President of the Slovak republic Green Seal

18. October 2022, 15:00 - 15:45

President of the Slovak republic Advisor on the Environment, Energy, Climate Change and the Business Environment Norbert Kurilla will talk about innovativeness in Office of the President of the Slovak Republic.

The presentation will deal with following topics:

  • Office of the President of the Slovak Republic will become the first public institution in Slovakia and probably the first Office of the President in the world reaching climate neutrality by 2030 at latest. This liability was assumed in September 2020. Based on data and measurements, priorities of decarbonisation were defined and measures including carbon calculator and targeted energy audit adopted. In brief, it contains whole range from simpler to more investment-intensive measures in five clusters: mobility, energetics, buildings renovation and operation, green infrastructure and finally category miscellaneous in one to three years horizon. We transparently evaluate implemented measures and progress achieved annually.
  • President of the Slovak republic Green Seal motivates to sustainable buildings renovation and operation. We are not satisfied with staying green only as an individual institution. Main aim of this initiative (more on is to motivate other offices, organizations and institutions as well as private sector to accept standards of green institution and start to renovate and operate own buildings towards sustainability.
  • Project of young climate leaders builds values-based leadership and contributes to new generations education (see Instagram @klimatickilidri). This current project with long-time overlap is also a part of President of Slovakia climate priorities designed for engaged young people interested in climate change talent support and development. Medium-term aim is to create network of climate professionals that can bring the change towards sustainability both into public and private sector. At the end of August Office of the President organized the pilot year of summer school in Bratislava with main goal to offer practical skills and knowledge needed for solving one of the biggest present challenges. Leadership based on good values is a key to successful future.

President of the Slovak republic took over the auspices of COINTT 2022 Conference.


Norbert Kurilla
18. October 2022, 15:00 - 15:45, INNOVATION