Easy Access as A Tool to Enhance the Transparency of Academic Institutions

19. October 2022, 9:00 - 10:30

The program entry contains two presentations:

Easy Access as a Tool Enhancing the Transparency of Academic Institutions in Relation to the Private Sector

The presentation will present how the Easy Access approach works at foreign universities, where and how it is used and describe experience of its use.

Easy Access does not mean Open Access: How to Simplify Technology Transfer?

How should Easy Access approach work in Slovakia? What role should Technology Transfer Centre at Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (TTC SCSTI) play in this? Which specific steps in the technology transfer process could Easy Access simplify?


Michal Hrivnák, Institute of Regional Studies and Rural Development, Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra



Kevin Cullen
19. October 2022, 9:00 - 10:30, TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER
Michal Hrivnák
19. October 2022, 9:00 - 10:30, TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER