
COINTT 2023 will take place in three weeks! What can you look for?

Good idea and talent at the same time are key elements. You should also have enterprising spirit to be able to transfer promising ideas into practice. In ideal case academics, innovators and entrepreneurs should agree and unite. Professional conference with international participants COOPERATION INNOVATION TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER (COINTT) will this year again create needed space for discussion and information exchange as well as knowledge transfer.

COINTT 2023 will take place on October 24th and 25th, 2023 in Hotel Saffron at Radlinského 27 str. in Bratislava. Event will welcome again academics, scientists and researchers, entrepreneurs, representatives of non-profit organizations and entrepreneurial associations from Slovakia and abroad.

Home and foreign speakers will introduce key topics

Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (SCSTI) has prepared this year again a rich conference programme reflecting current issues.

The main topic will be how to fill in „white spaces“ in technology transfer and innovation field to achieve continuous improvement of conditions of effective technology transfer from academic environment to practice in Slovakia.

The programme will contain interesting topic of processes optimisation and coordination on national level within different initiatives that influence technology transfer process. Space will be given also to first successful intellectual property transfer within Slovak universities realised in the end of previous year, in particular technology that can contribute to successful assisted reproduction procedure via IVF method.

Discussion will deal with sustainability of academic institutions performance in technology transfer as well. Participants will also not omit questions connected with the ethics in technology transfer process in employer-employee relations.

Conference visitors can also look for foreign guests at COINTT 2023. The topic „Social responsibility of universities and role of technology transfer“ will be discussed at the beginning of the first conference day. Sean Fielding, former Director of Innovation, Impact and Business at University of Exeter in the Great Britain will present own experience in this field.

Barbara Tan, an expert from University of Antwerp with more than 20 years of experience in different areas of higher education with focus on research, innovations and scientific and technological policy will introduce the topic of connecting universities and business companies on a daily basis.

Great contribution will be also participation of third keynote speaker Jeff Skinner, former executive director of Institute of Entrepreneurship and Private Capital at London Business School, UK. He will describe in his presentation with title „Building culture of education, science and technology transfer “various mechanisms and tactics that universities and academic leaders can implement to support researchers and motivate them to actively participate in knowledge transfer from academic environment to practice.

Traditional prize will be awarded during the social evening

Winners of Prize for Technology Transfer in Slovakia 2023 competition will be announced this year again within the event. Innovative results of scientific activities in Slovakia will be awarded. Winners are going to receive prizes in three categories – the best innovation, innovator and achievement in technology transfer.

Registration is open until October 20th.

Registration for the Conference is still open. People interested in participation in the event can register themselves until October 20th, 2023.

Participation is free of charge.